In my current flat the central heating runs on natural gas and I wanted to have a nice chart showing its consumption. The gas meter is directly in the hallway so everyone can see it. Because of this, I cannot simply bring in AC power and attach some exposed wires, otherwise my neighbors would probably call anti-terrorist group. The measuring device has to be small, look professional and have low power consumption so it can run on batteries. In next lines I’ll describe how I have achieved this.
Tag Archives: esp8266
Old radio clock upgraded to NTP
I own the radio clock on the title picture. I’ve used it for some time but it annoyed me because it drifted a lot (several seconds a day). It’s synchronized to power network frequency but it doesn’t work well in my case and I hate to adjust the clock over and over again. So I decided to sync it automatically using esp8266. Continue reading Old radio clock upgraded to NTP
WiFi enabled sprinkler controller
This project took me a year to finish but finally it’s done. What I wanted is to build an automatic IoT sprinkler controller from cheap parts. This is my story.
Yet another IoT thermostat
Hi all,
this post will be about my homemade IoT thermostat. The goal was to not install any cables (because I live in a rented flat), to go really cheap and to be able to set the temperature from anywhere. I’ll also give you some tips you should think about when building your own. Let’s get started.