First we need to generate some samples: Continue reading FL2000 as signal generator
All posts by danman
FM transmission test with FL2000
My USB 3.0 to VGA adapter arrived a few days ago so I tested the FM transmission example. Continue reading FM transmission test with FL2000
Smart energy meter
In my current flat the central heating runs on natural gas and I wanted to have a nice chart showing its consumption. The gas meter is directly in the hallway so everyone can see it. Because of this, I cannot simply bring in AC power and attach some exposed wires, otherwise my neighbors would probably call anti-terrorist group. The measuring device has to be small, look professional and have low power consumption so it can run on batteries. In next lines I’ll describe how I have achieved this.
Getting root access on ZyXEL VMG1312-B30B
Nothing special, just use undocumented command sh and you are there (I found it out by a mistake):
danman@silverhorse:~$ nmap Starting Nmap 7.60 ( ) at 2018-03-26 22:54 CEST Nmap scan report for Host is up (0.013s latency). Not shown: 996 closed ports PORT STATE SERVICE 21/tcp open ftp 22/tcp open ssh 23/tcp open telnet 80/tcp open http Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.14 seconds danman@silverhorse:~$ telnet Trying Connected to Escape character is '^]'. ZyXEL VDSL Router Login: admin Password: admin > help ? help logout exit quit reboot adsl xdslctl xtm brctl cat loglevel logdest virtualserver ddns df dumpcfg dumpmdm meminfo psp kill dumpsysinfo dnsproxy syslog echo ifconfig ping ps pwd sntp snmp sysinfo tftp wlctl arp defaultgateway dhcpserver dhcpcondserv dns lan lanhosts passwd ppp restoredefault route save swversion uptime cfgupdate swupdate exitOnIdle wan rip igmp wlan telnetd natp sysstate sipalgctl celld autoexec fileShare igmp btt ledctl > sh shell Password: admin ~ # ls bin etc linuxrc proc tmp vmlinux.lz data firmware mnt sbin usr webs dev lib opt sys var
Adding an antenna to a bluetooth module
Just cut the trace to PCB antenna and solder a proper one:
Controlling ESC via USB
Yesterday I found this ESC and BLDC motor in my electronics box and decided I’ll test if it really works. Continue reading Controlling ESC via USB
Turning ST-Link programmer into IR controlled USB keyboard
As I promised last time, I’m going to continue with st-link programmer clones. This time I wanted to use mbed which has some ready made libraries for utilizing USB and since it was very comfortable to use DFU upload with arduino library, at first I checked if it is usable with mbed too.
Continue reading Turning ST-Link programmer into IR controlled USB keyboard
Bricking and unbricking Vontar X96 mini
So I bought a media player again. It’s Vontar X96 mini with 1GB RAM and 8GB eMMC and according to rule “Don’t turn it on, take it apart!” it’s exactly what I did: Continue reading Bricking and unbricking Vontar X96 mini
3D shutter glasses teardown
Cheap 433Mhz receivers comparison
I bought 2 cheap 433Mhz receiver modules from aliexpress for comparison. Continue reading Cheap 433Mhz receivers comparison