If you get this error in zabbix autodiscovery function:
snmp_parse_oid(): cannot parse OID “IF-MIB::ifDescr”
Or if you just want to install MIBs for some other reason, do following:
Continue reading Installing SNMP MIBs in Ubuntu
If you get this error in zabbix autodiscovery function:
snmp_parse_oid(): cannot parse OID “IF-MIB::ifDescr”
Or if you just want to install MIBs for some other reason, do following:
Continue reading Installing SNMP MIBs in Ubuntu
I decided to do some experiments with STM32. Continue reading Blinking LED on STM32F103 with only Linux tools
Equivalent to pressing reset button on PC case
echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq echo b > /proc/sysrq-trigger
other commands: https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/sysrq.txt
Yesterday arrived my RW1990 keys I had ordered from aliexpress. They look the same as original iButton (DS1990A) but they hide one awesome feature: they are writeable so you can change their Serial Number! This is how I managed to write them white some cheap parts I had at hand. Continue reading Cloning iButton using RW1990 and AVR
Hi there!
As you can note from previous blogs, I love to buy strange devices directly from china :). This time I needed to connect one USB device to 2 computers (servers) so i fired up ebay and aliexpress and found this:
The description doesn’t say anything about Linux support, but I thougt: “Come on… how complicated can it be?” Continue reading USB switch for 2 PC under Linux
I’ve bought cheap USB handset from eBay to use with my VoIP provider. In Widows it worked good with supplied app which supported few VoIP programs and Skype. Since I use Linux on my desktop, I tried to plug it in. In USB listing it showed up as soundcard and HID device. Continue reading Cheap USB Skype/VoIP phone protocol discovery
Nothing special, just attiny2313, usbasp and some basic functions
While I was searching for cheapest oscam compatible card reader on e-bay, I found this SIM card reader:
With a price under $3 it is able to read/write SIM cards so I bought one to test if I can use it also for standard decrypt cards reading. Continue reading OSCam: Cheapest smart card reader
Yesterday, I was thinking about a simple way how to issue commands, list files, get files and access database on a remote system. With PHP all these things are simple to do and you don’t need to write TCP server, because it is provided by some HTTP daemon. It is also important that this could do only authenticated user. Next point was, that authenticated user can do anything on remote system and no complicated method implementation is needed on remote system. This might seem less secure but think about ssh… is it not similar? Continue reading PHP: RPC with asymmetric cryptography